About the Book

Play, 2009

Pokowani -the scourge of our collective inactions is the latest work by Don Veta the award winning playwright author of Cobbler’s Travail and the fast selling international bestselling novel Guerrilla of the Niger Delta currently on Amazon

Pokowani a victim of her innocence like many young girls of her generation fell into the temptation of early love relationship and therefore became a candidate for early and an unwanted pregnancy. Left with few choices she took the noble path of honor and decided against all odds to have her baby; thereby sacrificing her brilliant education temporarily. The arrival of her bundle of joy soon turns into a nightmare when her little child was diagnosed to having the sickle cell disorder as a result of the mismatch of her genotype with that of the accidental father, young Temisan. What came out of this conflict became the unique story of Pokowani which develops as a dialogue between a visitor and young students, which imparts a fresh, exhilarating tone to the story.


‘Pokowani -the scourge of our collective inactions is the latest work by Don Veta the award winning playwright author of Cobbler’s Travail and the fast selling international bestselling novel Guerrilla of the Niger Delta currently on Amazon’